November 5, 2024 - Copenhagen

The DEVOPS Conference

Build a case for joining the Copenhagen event

tdoc cph 2023

Craft your pitch

Do you need help justifying your attendance to your boss? Here’s an email template to help you start the conversation. Copy/paste this template into your email and make the case to attend the event.


I would like to attend a leading event in the Agile and DevOps world: The DEVOPS Conference in Copenhagen on November 5th. The event focuses on best practices in software and it will be a unique chance to participate in discussions on Value Stream Management and DevOps, the pitfalls of platform engineering, as well as the use of modern AI techniques.

Attending The DEVOPS Conference will significantly help me with these projects: [Add projects or initiatives here ]

I see The DEVOPS Conference as an excellent opportunity to network, exchange ideas, and discuss challenges with DevOps experts and thought leaders Simon Wardley, researcher, best known for creating Wardley mapping, Charity Majors, CTO at, Helen Beal, CEO and chair of the Value Stream Management Consortium. Software experts from organizations like VELUX, IKEA, and more  will also  take the stage. There is a lot to learn from their in-depth presentations of the latest stories and innovations.

My goal is to bring back key learnings to drive positive business impact at our organization. After the event, I will share major takeaways, best practices, and recommendations with our wider team to maximize the conference’s benefits.

Here is an approximate breakdown of conference costs: [List costs here: Transportation...Hotel...Meals...Conference registration...]

Thank you for considering this request. I look forward to your reply.






DI - Dansk Industri: H.C. Andersens Boulevard 18, 1787 København

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Dansk industri-2

What attendees said:

"Insightful conference where I got to meet and talk to a bunch of people."

"Amazing experience!"

"It's such an awesome community, both on the side of the organizing crew and the participants."

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